
Electronic Design Services

Whether you are designing a new product, improving an existing one, or fixing a problem, we can help you to meet your goal. The following is a selected list of the products that we have developed. Please contact us if you have any questions.

  • Optical power meter
  • Automatic Universal IC test systems
  • Multi-channel rotation speed-measuring instrument
  • LTA boards test fixture Optical wave-guide switch driver MEMs driver Precision Measuring Unit Long Term Accumulation Board

Circuit Design Services

We have extensive experience in various electronic circuit designs including digital/analog, high speed digital, FPGA and CPLD programmable logic, and microprocessor based circuits.

  • Digital and Analog Circuit Design
  • High Speed digital circuit Design
  • FPGA and CPLD Programmable Design
  • Embedded circuit Design Prototyping and modeling Electronic testing
  • Design Verification and Signal Integrity.

Software Design Services

We can help you to develop control software, running on different operation systems, using different computer languages. Our services include:

  • Embedded Software design Device Drivers design with C/ C++, Assembly, etc.
  • Software verification and testing